Pride Month: a month for celebration, raising awareness, demanding rights, and creating space for community. At Jaumo, we believe in supporting and creating safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community every single day, not just during this special month. Our Jaumo communities are a big part of this effort, acting as online spaces where queer people can meet others they share interests and values with, where they can form new connections, ask questions, and share experiences.We are proud to say the last few months have already shown promising and exciting numbers when it comes to the sucess of LGBTQ+ Jaumo Communities.
A global movement
From Brazil to Germany and beyond, Jaumo's LGBTQ+ online communities stretch across the globe. This means contributing not only to connection between queer people in places where the LGBTQ+ movement has already made much progress but also providing a safe space for discussion and expression in countries where the movement is still in an earlier stage.
We’re proud to say the Jaumo LGBTQ+ communities have become part of the life of over 26,000 incredible members, offering support, understanding, and connection.
A space for everyone
Jaumo’s commitment to inclusivity means providing a safe space where you can freely express your true self, without the fear of judgment or discrimination. Jaumo's LGBTQ+ online communities are built on the foundation of acceptance and connection. They’re meant to welcome anyone who identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as their friends, family, and allies. With close to 700,000 heartfelt messages exchanged, our community thrives on new friendships, advice, support, and, of course, a lot of good jokes.
Growing fast
Jaumo's LGBTQ+ online communities are among the fastest-growing on our app!We understand the power of expression and of connecting with people who share similar experiences and journeys. Sometimes, you need more than someone who listens, you need someone who understands. We know how significant it is for queer people to be able to meet and talk to people they can relate with.
Not just during Pride Month, but throughout the year, LGBTQ+ Communities ensure that everyone feels like they have a space to call their own where they feel valued, understood, and accepted. A space where they can find people they truly connect with.
An ongoing effort
As we embrace Pride Month, Jaumo's investment in creating safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community on our app goes beyond these thirty days. We commit to keep growing these already proud-worthy numbers of 26,000 incredible members and nearly 700,000 messages exchanged so far in 2023, welcoming more and more members to our online communities.