5 places for a romantic encounter in the modern world

“Where am I supposed to meet new people to date nowadays?”

This is one of those questions a lot of people keep asking themselves without actually coming up with a great answer. It’s “the digital age”, we’re all connected, and yet, somehow, it seems it’s getting more and more complicated to find the right connection. Even being digitally connected, we’re rushing through our days and we end up not having that much social contact.

We expect the almighty Internet to make our lives easier and enable us to get in touch with people we might never meet otherwise, wherever we are, whenever we want. All these social networks, dating apps, and interest groups are, indeed, very helpful, but sometimes we're so overwhelmed by the offer, that we just lose our focus. Occasionally, we also just miss those “little things” like the special sound of someone’s voice and those personal little imperfections, that you may not even notice while swiping through pictures but actually like. It’s great to have the chance to look behind the beautiful facade people create for the digital world.

The good news is: there are plenty of great ways to meet people nowadays. Actually, you can even mix them up a bit, for the best chances.To make it a little easier for you, we have compiled a Top 5 list of places where you can not just meet other singles, but also have high chances of running into the right person, right away.

But first: what factors play an important role when getting to know someone?

There are a few points you should keep in mind if you’re looking to start dating.

-> Most people are not really into those cheesy pick-up lines and overly loud gestures. A little discretion is often advised to make a positive impression right from the first interaction, as long as it doesn’t compromise your authenticity.

-> Everyone likes to be addressed personally when getting to know each other. Pay attention to the details (manners, accessories, choice of place to hang out, etc.) of this new person, and be curious about getting to know more about them.

-> Be brave. It takes courage to approach someone you like. While it’s not always easy, a good mindset is thinking “no is guaranteed”. Even if it doesn't work, you know you gave it a try and you’ll be more comfortable with it next time.

What should you look for when choosing a place to meet someone new?

Can't you meet new people everywhere? Of course, you can!

But if you're not looking for just anyone and actually hope to meet someone with who you share things in common and don't want to spoil the moment with stress, rushing, or outside chaos, there are 3 main requirements for the perfect place for a romantic encounter:

-> It should have a relaxed atmosphere with plenty of room for conversation and some potential for fun. No noise, no rush, and no loud sounds. This means you’ll want to scratch bars with loud music and family-focused cafés full of screaming children.

-> It should be somewhere that matches your interests, lifestyle, or worldview, somehow.You like dogs? Then find your nearest dog park. You like books? Visit a nice bookstore nearby. You’re into physical exercise? Jog at your local park.This will give you the possibility to meet people who not only like the same things you do, but also live around your neighborhood.

-> This one may sound obvious, but it should be somewhere where you’re more likely to encounter single people that match your preferences. Avoid places without a lot of movement, places aimed at families, or places where people don’t expect to engage in social interaction.

Alright! Now that you're well armed with knowledge, let's move on to the Top 5 list of the best places to meet singles in the modern world.

Top 5 places for a romantic encounter in the modern world

1. First on the list, is a place that has been featured in plenty of modern love stories: the airplane!According to statistics, over 12% of all travelers are unaccompanied, which may mean that a lot of them will be open to chatting with a stranger while waiting to board or during their flight.If the conversation goes nicely, who knows… maybe they’ll even agree to explore the city together when you land!

ICEBREAKER at the plane: I hope there’s no turbulence, I haven’t quite finished the parachute course yet.

2. The workplace! It used to be a well-known spot for budding relationships but what do you do now that this important dating platform has been replaced by home offices for many?Don't worry, the modern world has provided a much better alternative - the co-working space! A space for young, dynamic, freedom-loving people who enjoy making new contacts and socializing! If that sounds like you, then start making your way to your nearest co-working.

ICEBREAKER at the Co-Working Space: Do you know where I can get coffee, around here?

3. Are you active, like doing sports and taking care of your health? Then these are probably interests you’ll want to share with your future partner. Lucky for you, typical places for sports activities are perfect for socializing and meeting like-minded people.Gyms, swimming-pools and sports clubs are designed to make your heart beat faster - maybe you’ll have the chance to make it happen through something other than physical effort.

ICEBREAKER at the gym: Hey, do you think you could briefly explain this machine to me?

4. Relaxed, festive atmosphere, music-loving people who share your enthusiasm for life and like to have fun, and there’s plenty of opportunity for socialization. Did you guess it?Music festivals! The perfect match between music, plenty of people, and enough “quiet time” that you can actually approach someone and have a conversation.And the cherry on top? The mood during music festivals is light, fun, and social: people welcome interacting with strangers! So you have that much more possibility of being successful when approaching someone who catches your eye.

ICEBREAKER at a festival: Can you believe this line-up? Who did you come to see?

5. And, last but not least, the trusty dating apps can't be missing from a list of places to meet potential dates in the modern world. Particularly for somewhat shy people or those who have little time for socializing in their everyday lives, dating apps are still the best option.

Besides, the personal, intimate, aspect of meeting someone is already taken into consideration in some apps. Jaumo, for example, has been offering audio chat rooms since the beginning of 2022. These chat rooms allow users to use their voices to talk to each other live, in a relaxed environment. You get to hear people’s voices, recognize their tone, see their pictures and thus get a good first impression of their personalities.

At Jaumo, we think meeting new people works better online - you get to do it in your own space, when you want, and at your own rhythm. However, we know creating memories and sharing experiences together should happen offline. Our goal is to close the gap between digital and real-life, allowing you all the comfort of meeting people online, and all the richness of getting to know them offline.

ICEBREAKER for Jaumo’s audio chat: Your voice is so interesting!/I really like your accent.

There you go! This list should give you a little push towards finding potential new dates and start building a new relationship! And of course, we look forward to seeing you in one of our chat rooms very soon to talk, sing and laugh together!

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