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Andreia Mendes

Persönliches Wachstum

The only social bucket list you’ll need in 2023

Ready for 2023? Not before you read through our Social Bucket list for the new year! Here are 5 ideas to boost your social life in 2023.

10 holiday activities to do with friends

It's official: the most wonderful time of the year is here! Check out these 10 activities to enjoy the season with your friend group.

Halloween Special: how to stay out of dating horror stories

The dating horror stories... Bringing their friends - or even family - along on the date, always leaving you hanging, and making sexist comments.

Halloween Special: how to “kill” an emotional vampire

Don’t believe in vampires? Maybe you should pay a bit more attention: you might already have one or two in your life. This is about energy-sucking vampires.

Halloween Special: what’s up with ghosting?

While ghosting is mostly associated with dating, it can happen in many different forms, for example, that person you've been DM'ing for a while stops answering.
Persönliches Wachstum

7 Tips to get better at conversation

Conversation is the base for any relationship. Which means quality conversation goes along way when it comes to building quality relationships.
Persönliches Wachstum

Talking to someone you don't know from start to end

Saying “hi” and introducing yourself is no problem but after that? What do you talk about? Read on to get a little bit of help.

Setting boundaries in a new relationship

Learn how to ennsure that you're setting yourself up for success with a new relationship by practicing healthy boundaries.

Winning the battle against fake users!

Over the past 6 months, the Jaumo team has been working hard implementing new solutions to address the ongoing challenge of fake users.‍

5 Steps to Overcome Shyness and Build Social Confidence

If you’re tired of feeling all anxious and uncomfortable when you're in social situations you're not alone. Here are five steps to help your social confidence.